Young boy from small town with learning disability
Struggled hard to please everyone around him
He tried very hard but he was unable to prove himself
Everyone criticised his existence despite of his disability
But he never quit and continued his struggle
With time he started to understand his purpose
He turned his weaknesses into his power
Then there was nothing that can stop him
He went out to find his destiny at the highest peaks
He risked his life many times to achieve his goals
Now he don’t fear anything and chasing his dreams
Now he don’t care about pleasing others anymore
He is travelling around the world
And he have friends in every nation
He have learned many lesson from his hardships
Now he is helping others with their weaknesses
Those who criticised him now envy his life
His parents are proud of his achievements
He is now standing out from the crowed
And inspiring others to follow their dreams
This is the story of young boy from small town
Who did not quit and followed his dreams
Written by SYD