I have chosen you to be the love of my life
I want you to be with me for rest of my life
Right now you don’t know what I feel for you
Right now you have no idea that I love you
I miss you when you are not talking to me
I miss you when you are not close to me
You are always on my mind when you are away from me
I am always thinking about you when you are not with me
I count each second in your absence
I feel very lonely in your absence
My heart doesn’t beat when you are sad
My mind lose control when you are sad
My soul gets life when I see your smile
I start blushing when I see your smile
My heart is only beating for you
I am living my life to be with you
I will make you my queen if you love me too
Otherwise I will love you silently as a friend
Written By SYD
Dedicated to a friend who may end up in a friendzone 😀